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    NAJ Consulting provides the following counseling services: 
Individual Counseling Sessions
Individual counseling (in person, face-to-face) involves regularly scheduled sessions between client and therapist, and usually run between 50 minutes to 1-1/2hours, depending on the needs or stage of counselling with the therapist/counsellor. This is usually determined prior to sessions occurring. In these sessions, we explore the problems you are facing, sometimes, trying to understand their origins, how they positively or negatively affect your life, and what needs to be done in order to alter them in a positive way, when deemed necessary to do so. In a private and safe environment, we make a plan for your treatment process and what needs to be done. On occasion, we may even suggest the need to supplement your treatment by professional and/or non-professional supportive groups, to promote the change you are seeking. Payment is generally due at the end of each session.   

In the case of clients being seen for sexual addiction related issues, I can also see partners of sexually addicted clients for consultation and/or ongoing counselling support. In many cases, those affected by sexual addiction should get some counselling support and direction, as it is a traumatic event that can be extremely difficult to recover from without some healthy guidance.

Individual Sessions via Skype

In these sessions, we determine whether or not this venue meets your needs and requirements for anonymity. The sessions, are predetermined and usually run between 50 minutes to 1-1/2hours, depending on the needs or stage of counselling with the therapist/counsellor. Often, such sessions are primarily for assessment/consultation with the therapist/counsellor to determine the direction of treatment and the needs of the client.  Payment is due prior to session, unless other arrangements have been made.

Group Sessions

Group therapy involves the counsellor/therapist working with clients to establish a confidential, safe environment for 6-10 clients, where they can address their similar issues in a safe and supportive environment, ideally free of judgment. In some cases, such issues involving sexual addiction, we focus on candid discussions related to sexuality, barriers to recovery, life issues related to sexuality and motivations for healthy recovery. Group therapy usually involves a two hour session once a week for a period of 6-10 weeks, with a group facilitator, and utilizes the other group members as a healthy sounding board for the typical problems the client(s) are facing.  

Sometimes, group counselling may be done in conjunction with individual sessions, as a way to support personal growth as the specific content that arises from the group may be  more relevant the specific client or stir up a relevant issue for the client. This can aid the recovery process greatly.  Payment for group sessions are generally in advance of the start of the group and full payment is required to reserve your place in the group. 

Ron Prasad provides the following services:
  • Individual counselling for individuals who have issues with sexual compulsivity and/or sex addiction. 
  • Individual counselling for partners of sex addicts.
  • Counselling support for those with substance use and/or mental health issues. 
Neena Keram provides the following services:
  • Individual counselling for partners of sex addicts, focusing on the managing the trauma of the betrayal. 
  • Couples counselling for couples recovering from the impact of sex addiction and/or infidelity.
  • Individual counselling for various issues related to co-dependency and personal growth; including depression and anxiety
Together both Ron and Neena provide strong support for couples who are coming out the devastating impacts of sexual addiction and/or infidelity. They help couples navigate the early stages of processing the trauma and re-establishing safety within the relationship. 


NAJ Consulting, Inc.
counselling and recovery therapies
Amani Counselling Center
#3 15243 91St, Ave

Surrey, BC, Canada

V3R 8P8 
604 307 2216
(Ron Prasad). 

604 306 5002
(Neena Keram) 
© NAJ Consulting, Inc. 2011. All rights reserved.