
Do you struggle with difficult emotions?


Is managing interpersonal relationships with those closest to you sometimes difficult.


Do intimate relationships always seem to be hard to get “right”?


Do you ever struggle with sexual issues, and wonder if that aspect of your life isn’t the way it should be?


Is there something in your life, such as specific behavior, or habit, that would be very troublesome to some part of your life if anyone knew about it? 


Issues don’t have to be “addictive” to be a problem. You may be thinking that something in your life is causing difficulties, or worse, someone around you may be telling you that it is.


Sometimes, trying to figure these things
out can be difficult. At NAJ Consulting, we understand the process of how to do this
and recognize the inherent difficulties that
lie with that process. We offer a variety of
services ranging from psycho-logical
assessment, treatment planning, individual counseling, (via in person, and SKYPE),
and group therapy services.

If you are curious about our services,
please feel  free to email us at
contact@NAJconsulting.com to discuss
our confidential and comfortable treatment
programs further.


NAJ Consulting, Inc.
counselling and recovery therapies
Amani Counselling Center
#3 15243 91St, Ave

Surrey, BC, Canada

V3R 8P8 
604 307 2216
(Ron Prasad). 

604 306 5002
(Neena Keram) 
© NAJ Consulting, Inc. 2011. All rights reserved.